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Archiv-Übersicht     Angebot Nr. 15051

Angebotsdatum: 5. März 2024
Art der Stelle: Doktorarbeit / Diplomarbeit
Fachgebiet: Biologie > Ökologie
Titel des Themas: 5 PhD positions in Molecular and Chemical Ecology and Evolution

Institut: Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology Jena, Germany
Frau Claudia Voelckel
Hans Knöll Str. 8
07745 Jena
Tel.:    Fax.:
Bundesland: Thüringen
Homepage: https://jobs.ice.mpg.de/en/jobposting/d8d15fb675724046e98eb0d613189ff83901956c4/apply
E-Mail Kontakt: mail

Beschreibung: The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) "Chemical Communication in Ecological Systems" in Jena, Germany, invites applications for 5 PhD positions beginning in September 2024 – January 2025. The overarching research topic is the use of molecular, chemical and neurobiological techniques to experimentally explore ecological interactions under natural conditions. The main focus is on the relationship between plants, microbes and herbivores, and their environment, as well as the evolutionary and behavioral consequences of these interactions.

We offer 11 exciting projects focusing on different organisms and approaches. The complete list of projects offered including project descriptions is available on our website (https://www.ice.mpg.de/296576/advertised-projects).

We are looking for enthusiastic PhD students with strong interests in the above-described central topic. Applicants should have or be about to obtain a Masters or equivalent degree in one of the following fields: entomology, neurobiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, plant physiology, genetics, ecology, evolutionary biology, bioinformatics, and mathematics and computer science. All our projects are highly integrative and require willingness to closely collaborate with researchers of different backgrounds.

The Research School is a joint initiative of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology and the Friedrich Schiller University. We offer state-of-the art equipment, an excellent research environment, supervision by a thesis committee and a structured training program including scientific courses, training in transferable and outreach skills and participation in research symposia. Successful candidates will receive a Max Planck support contract. There are no tuition fees and the working language is English.

Application deadline is April 19, 2024.

For detailed information on the IMPRS, projects offered and application requirements, please visit our website: https://www.ice.mpg.de/296548/current-call

Please apply online from March 4, 2024, at: https://jobs.ice.mpg.de/en/jobposting/d8d15fb675724046e98eb0d613189ff83901956c4/apply
Anfangsdatum: 1. September 2024
Geschätzte Dauer: 3 Jahre
Bezahlung: TvÖD 13, 65%
